Nol = Kosong ?

Anonymous Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Add Comment
Nol = Kosong ?
Penyebutan angka “0″ (nol) di berbagai media audiovisual bahkan beberapa percakapan langsung seringkali dilakukan secara keliru.
Hingga hari ini masih ada media televisi dan radio yang nampaknya belum paham penyebutan angka “0″ (nol) sehingga mereka menyamakannya dengan “kosong”. Contoh yang paling sering dijumpai adalah pengucapan nomor telepon genggam yang mengandung angka nol.
Sebuah iklan berbunyi: Segeralah memesan unit rumah Anda sendiri. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi 081234567890.
Masih banyak yang keliru dengan mengucapkan nomor telepon tersebut dengan:kosong-delapan-satu-dua-tiga-empat-lima-enam-tujuh-delapan-sembilan-kosong.
Menyebut angka “0″ sebagai “kosong” secara terminologi definisi kata Bahasa Indonesia tidak tepat. Alasannya? Jelas sekali karena dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia kata “kosong” diartikan sebagai:
1 tidak berisi: peti — itu rupanya menjadi sarang tikus; 2 tidak berpenghuni: rumah itu sudah lama –; 3 hampa; berongga: batang kangkung itu — di dalamnya; 4 tidak mengandung arti: dia menerima tangan saya dng sikap dingin dan pandangan yg –
Tidak ada satupun definisi “kosong” dalam KBBI yang merujuk pada penyebutan angka.
Ini berarti, jika  seseorang mendiktekan nomor telepon 081234567890 dengan lafal:kosong-delapan-satu-dua-tiga-empat-lima-enam-tujuh-delapan-sembilan-kosong“, maka
untuk ditulis kemudian, maka hasil tulisannya seharusnya:
[ ]8123456789 [ ], dengan “[ ]” membenarkan kata vokal “kosong”.
Berbeda jika angka “0″ tersebut dilafalkan sesuai namanya, yaitu “nol“, maka menjadi tepat jika dituliskan 081234567890.
Ini berarti, setiap penyebutan angka “0″ dalam deretan angka tertentu yang benar adalah dengan kata “nol”, bukan “kosong”. Sama halnya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Angka “0″ dilafalkan sebagai “zero” atau “ou” yang diadaptasi dari huruf “O”, bukan “empty” yang mewakili “kosong”. Ironisnya, lembaga-lembaga penyiaran baik teve maupun radio masih ada yang melakukan kesalahan ini.
Masih banyak kesalahan penggunaan bahasa ucap maupun tulis dalam komunikasi kita sehari-hari. Semoga beberapa informasi di atas bisa memperbaiki pola pahasa vokal dan tulis kita.
Terima kasih.

Keyboard Shortcuts ( Jalan Pintas Pada Keyboard )

Anonymous Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Add Comment
Keyboard Shortcuts ( Jalan Pintas Pada Keyboard )
Terkadang kita merasa kerepotan dalam mengetik tugas kerja, sekolah maupun kuliah jika masih menggunakan mouse dalam beberapa aksi dalam pengetikan, serta fungsi-fungsi lain dalam penggunaan komputer sehari-hari....
Pada zaman sekarang orang-orang lebih cenderung memilih dan menggunakan cara singkat dengan hasil yang memuaskan …
Kombinasi tombol pada keyboard ini sangat berguna untuk teman-teman sekalian ketahui , bahkan kalo pengalaman saya enakan kerja sambil memakai kombinasi keyboard dari pada menggunakan mouse ... tetapi kita juga tidak bisa menganggap mouse sebagai alat yang tidak berguna
Kombinasi yang sering ato umum biasanya CTRL + C untuk copy file , CTRL + V untuk paste , CTRL + ALT + DEL , ALT + TAB , CTRL + R, dll…. Ada lebih banyak lagi kombinasi yang jarang dipakai dan belum banyak diketahui , berikut saya berikan kombinasi tombol-tombolnya.
Tombol Windows = buka menu start
Tombol Windows + E = Buka Ekplorer
Tombol Windows + Pause Break = Buka system properties
Tombol Windows + U = buka utility Manajer
Tombol Windows + R = Run
Tombol Windows + F = Search File ato Folder
Tombol Windows + Ctrl + F = Search pada Network
Tombol Windows + M = Minimizie semua windows [ jendela ]
Tombol Windows + Shift + M = Maximizie Semua Windows
Tombol Windows + L = Mengunci Windows
Tombol Windows + Tab = Memilih Aplikasi pada task bar
Tombol Windows + B = Memilih aplikasi pada system tray
Tombol ALT + Tab = Berpindah Jendela
Tombol ALT + F4 (dalam aplikasi) = Menutup aplikasi
Tombol ALT + F4 (Dekstop) = Munculkan kotak dialog Shutdown
Tombol ALT + Enter = Membuka properties pada objek yg d pilih
Tombol ALT + Esc = Berpindah jendela sesuai urutan
Tombol ALT + Spacebar = menampilan menu minimize , maximize , close , move, jendela
Tombol Shift = Matikan Auto Run pada CD/DVD , FDD , Flopy
Tombol Shift + DEL = Menghapus secara permanen
Tombol F1 = Membuka Help
Tombol F2 = Rename Objeck
Tombol F3 = Membuka Seacrh
Tombol F5 = Refresh
Tombol TAB = Berpindah Elemen dari suatu halaman
Tombol SHIFT + TAB = Hampir sama dengan TAB d atas
Tombol CTRL + A = Memilih suatu objeck
Tombol CTRL + C = Copy
Tombol CTRL + X = Cut
Tombol CTRL + V = Paste
Tombol CTRL + Z = Undo
Tombol CTRL + Y = Redo
Tombol CTRL + O = Membuka File
Tombol CTRL + SpaceBar = Menghapus Kata dari kiri
Tombol CTRL + DEL = Menghapus Kata dari Kanan
Tombol CTRL + Drag icon = Mengcopy objek yang terpilih
Tombol PRINT SCREEN = Mengcapture layar monitor

Symbol In Plastic Packaging ( Arti Simbol Pada Kemasan Plastik )

Anonymous Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Add Comment
Symbol In Plastic Packaging ( Arti Simbol Pada Kemasan Plastik )
Plastic is a material that we often encounter in everyday life. Plastics have been widely used to make products or goods that are useful for human life. Since the 20th century, the use of plastics has grown tremendously.

On the packaging made of plastic, usually found symbols or logos recycling triangular with specific codes. This code is issued by The Society of Plastic Industry in 1998 in the United States and adopted by the institutions of the system development code, such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization). In general, the plastic identification:
1. Being or situated at the bottom
2. Form a triangle
3. In the triangle are the numbers
4. As well as the name of a type of plastic at the bottom of the triangle

Recycling symbol (recycle) indicates the type of resin material used to make the material. This symbol is formed based on the international coding system Plastics and commonly described as a number (from 1 to 7) surrounded by triangles or regular triangular loop (also known as the Mobius loop), with the acronym of the materials used, right at the bottom of the triangle.
Here is a brief description of each of the 7 recycling symbol that is often used:
1. PET or PETE (Polyethylene Etilen Terephalate)
 This sign is usually stamped recycling logo with the number 1 in the middle and writing PETE or PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) at the bottom of the triangle. Commonly used for plastic bottles, colored clear / transparent / translucent like mineral water bottles, juice bottles, food containers and almost all other beverage bottles. Bottles PET / PETE is recommended ONLY DISPOSABLE. If too often, let alone be used to store the hot water hot moreover, will result in a polymer coating on the bottle will melt and emit carcinogenic substances (can cause cancer) in the long run. This material can be remade into polar fleece, fiber, carpet, and others. The demand for this type of plastic in between communities plastics recycler relatively large, but the current recycling rate for this material remains low at 20%.
2. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
 At the bottom of plastic bottles, recycling logo stamped with the number 2 in the middle, and writing HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) at the bottom of the triangle. Commonly used for milk bottle white milk, tupperware, gallons of drinking water, folding chairs, and others. HDPE plastic bottle types have stronger material properties, hard, opaque and MORE DURABLE FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE. Is one of the plastic material that is safe to use because of its ability to prevent chemical reaction between the plastic packaging made from HDPE with food / drink dikemasnya. Just as PET, HDPE is also recommended for use ONLY DISPOSABLE release antimony trioxide compounds continue to increase over time. This type can also be used to return to the tile flooring material, drainage, new HDPE bottles, pipes, and others.
3. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
 Written (sometimes red) with the number 3 in the middle, and writing V. V it means PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is the most difficult type of plastic is recycled. It can be found in plastic wrap (cling wrap), and bottles. The reaction that occurs between PVC with foods that are packed with plastic is potentially harmful to the kidneys, liver and body weight. This material contains chlorine and will remove toxins when burned. PVC NOT BE USED in preparing food or food packaging. This material can also be recycled into mudflaps, panels, mats, etc.
4. LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene)
Recycling logo with the number 4 in the middle, and writing LDPE. LDPE (low density polyethylene) plastic that type of chocolate (thermoplastic / made from petroleum), commonly used for food, plastic packaging, bottles of soft, clothing, furniture, etc. The mechanical properties of this type of LDPE is strong, transparent, flexible and somewhat greasy surface, at a temperature of 60 degrees is very resistant to chemical reactions, power protection against water vapor is quite good, can be recycled as well as good for items that require flexibility but strong. Goods made from LDPE is difficult to destroy, but still good for the food because it is difficult to react chemically with food that is packed with this material. LDPE, can be recycled in many ways, for example dissolved in cans, compost bins and landscaping tiles.
5. PP (polypropylene)
Recycling logo stamped with the number 5 in the middle, and writing PP. Is a common characteristic transparent bottles that are not clear or cloudy. Polypropylene is stronger and lighter with low vapor permeability, good resistance to fat, stable to high temperatures and quite shiny. Type PP (polypropylene) is a selection of the best plastic material, especially for food and beverages as a place to store food, drink bottles and foremost drink bottles for babies. Look for the code number 5 when buying goods made from plastic for storing a variety of food and beverage packaging. PP can be recycled into forks, brooms, trays, and others.
6. PS (Polystyrene)
Recycling logo stamped with the number 6 in the middle, and writing the PS. Commonly used as a place to eat Styrofoam, disposable drinking places, and others. Polystyrene is an aromatic polymer material that can emit styrene into food when food is in contact. In addition to the food, styrene can also be obtained from cigarette smoke, fumes and building construction materials. This material should be avoided, as DANGEROUS FOR BRAIN HEALTH, ANNOYING female hormone estrogen resulting in reproductive problems, and growth and nervous system, as well as the material is difficult to recycle. Even if recycled, this material requires a very long process and long. This material can be identified by a code number 6, but if not the numeric code printed on the plastic packaging, this material can be recognized by burning (last way and should be avoided). When burned, this material will be issued a yellow-orange flame, and leave soot. PS containing benzene, a cancer-causing substance and should not be burned. This material is recycled into insulation, packaging, plant beds, and others.
7. OTHER (Polycarbonate)
Recycling logo stamped with the number 7 in the center, and a note. For 7 Other types of plastic have 4 kinds, namely: SAN styrene acrylonitrile, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ABS, PC polycarbonate, and Nylon. Can be found in places such as food and drink sports drink bottles, auto parts, household appliances, computers, electronic equipment, and plastics packaging.

SAN and ABS has a high resistance to chemical reactions and temperature, strength, stiffness, and the level of violence has increased. Usually found in the mixer bowl, wrap flasks, plates, cutlery, coffee filters, and toothbrushes, while ABS is usually used as a lego toys and pipes. Is one of the plastic material is excellent for use in packaging food or drink.

Polycarbonate PC or name can be found in baby bottles, toddler cups (sippy cup), polycarbonate drinking bottles, and cans of food and beverage packaging, including infant formula cans.
PC can be put out of its main ingredient is bisphenol-A in food and beverages that may damage the hormone system, the chromosomes in the ovaries, decreased sperm production, and alter immune function. It is advisable not used for food or drink.

Ironically bottle is very likely to have the heating process, whether it be for the purpose of sterilization by boiling, heated by microwave, or pour boiling water or hot water.
Not all plastic number 7 is polycarbonate, even a handful of vegetable material. Palikarbonat still being debated in recent years, as found during a wash BPA (bisphenol A), a matter of hormonal pregnancy and fetal growth.

Plastics recycling symbol is basically designed to help staff at the recycling center, in order to separate the material to be processed properly. Basic knowledge of this symbol can also help us to determine whether the plastic stuff in the house safe for us and our children.

The Branches of Civil Engineering ( Cabang-cabang Ilmu teknik sipil )

Anonymous Monday, February 02, 2015 Add Comment
The Branches of Civil Engineering ( Cabang-cabang Ilmu teknik sipil )
Civil engineering is a branch of engineering science that studies how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and infrastructure, but also include the environment for the benefit of human life.
Civil engineering has a broad scope, in which knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computer lingkunganhingga have roles respectively. Civil engineering is developed in line with the level of human needs and movement, to be able to say this science can transform a forest into a big city.

The Branches of Civil Engineering

  • Structural: The branch that studies the structural problems of the materials used for construction. A form of the building may be made from several choices of materials such as steel, concrete, wood, glass or other materials. Each of these materials has its own characteristics. Science field of study structural properties of the material which in turn can be selected which are suitable materials for the building type. In this field studied more in depth issues related to the structural design of buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels of the construction of the foundation until the building is ready for use.
  • Geotechnical: branch that studies the structure and properties of a wide range of soil and rock in sustaining a building that will stand on it. Scope can be a field investigation is the investigation circumstances of an area of land, laboratory investigations and construction planning of soil and rock, such as: heap (embankment), excavation (excavation), soft ground tunnel (soft soil tunnel), the tunnel rock (rock / mountain tunnel), dam soil / rock (earth dam, rock fill dam), and others.
  • Construction Management: Branch who studied the problem in construction projects related to the economy, job scheduling, return on capital, the cost of the project, all matters relating to law and licensing of building up the organization of work in the field so that the building is expected to be completed on time.
  • Hydrology: The branch that studies the water, distribution, and control problems. This field includes, among others, the branch of hydrology (with respect to weather, rainfall, water level of a river, etc.), hydraulics (material properties of water, water pressure, water thrust force etc.) and waterworks such as ports, irrigation, reservoirs / dams (dam), the canal.
  • Environmental Engineering: The branch that studies the issues and environmental issues. This field includes, among others, the provision of clean water infrastructure, sewage and waste management, river pollution, noise pollution and air until recovery techniques.
  • Transportation: Branch learn about the transportation system in the planning and implementation. These include, among others, the construction field and pengaturanjalan highway, construction of airports, terminals, stations and management.
  • Civil Engineering Informatics: The new branch that studies the application of computer for calculations / modeling a system in development or research project. This field includes, among others, exemplified in the form of modeling Building Structures (Structural of material or CAD), modeling the movement of ground water or waste, environmental modeling with GIS technology (Geographic information system).
Breadth is a branch of civil engineering makes it very versatile in the world of work. Profession obtained from an expert on this field include: designing / implementing development / maintenance of roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, traffic (land, sea, air), the network system of canals, drainage, irrigation, housing, building , minimization of earthquake losses, environmental protection, water supply, land survey, financial concept of the project, project management etc. All aspects of life tercangkup in charge of civil engineering.
Differences of architects, located at the position of civil engineering experts in a project. Architects contributed design, ideas, possible implementation of development on paper. The results of the draft subsequently submitted to the staff of experts in civil engineering for the construction work. This stage, civil engineering experts make improvements / suggestions from the implementation of planning, coordinating the project, observing the course of the project to fit the plan. In addition, civil engineering experts also build financial concepts and project management on matters that affect the running of the project.

The main lesson

  • Engineering Mathematics (Calculus) / Matematika teknik (Kalkulus)
  • Mechanics Engineering / Mekanika teknik
  • Analysis of The Structure / Analisis struktur
  • Construction Cteel / Konstruksi baja
  • Construction of Concrete / Konstruksi beton
  • Wood Construction / Konstruksi kayu
  • Soil Mechanics / Mekanika tanah
  • Foundations of Engineering / Teknik Pondasi
  • Hydrology / Hidrologi
  • Hydraulics / Hidrolika
  • Waterworks / Bangunan air
  • Construction Management / Manajemen konstruksi
  • Dynamics of structures / Dinamika Struktur
  • Earthquake Engineering / Teknik Gempa
  • Measure Soil Science / Ilmu Ukur Tanah
  • Structure of Civil Buildings \ Struktur bangunan sipil
  • Highway Engineering \ Rekayasa Jalan Raya

Dangers of Plastic In Health ( Bahaya Plastik Dalam Kesehatan )

Anonymous Monday, February 02, 2015 Add Comment
Dangers of Plastic In Health ( Bahaya Plastik Dalam Kesehatan )

plastik bahaya
Plastic? Almost every day of our lives, we use plastic, and often life is facilitated by it, how not, we drink in the plastic bottle packaging, shopping using plastic bags, plastic everywhere.
This article was written so plastic that it makes your life easier, not backfire and actually damage your body slowly but surely, how could it be?
Dangers of Plastic In Health
Plastics are exposed to heat, will produce a compound known as dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins other names) which are highly toxic, and even carcinogenic.

These compounds are carcinogenic means that can damage our biological system, causing damage to genes that may end up being a tumor or malignant, terrible is not it?
Not only there, the plastic is just one medium that can produce dioxins, other than plastic, these harmful compounds can also be produced from waste incineration, waste pesticides, and burning steel production, looks indeed the most familiar in our daily lives is plastic, therefore began to pay attention to how you use your plastic. Consider the following tips:
  1. When using plastic beverage bottles, avoid leaving your bottle in the car, especially if your car is in the open field were exposed to the sun
  2. Avoid the use of plastic beverage bottles repeatedly, only 2-3 times repetition maximum charging
  3. Avoid burning trash, especially in the form of plastic, because you need to know dioxins not just go through our digestive tract, but also of our respiratory tract, so dioxins are inhaled during breathing also harm us.
  4. Apply 3R Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
  5. Use the 2,4,5-coded plastic. This type of plastic is believed to have a quality that is safe for food and beverages in containers.