Civil engineering is a branch of engineering science that studies how to design, build, renovate not only the buildings and infrastructure, but also include the environment for the benefit of human life.
Civil engineering has a broad scope, in which knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computer lingkunganhingga have roles respectively. Civil engineering is developed in line with the level of human needs and movement, to be able to say this science can transform a forest into a big city.
Civil engineering has a broad scope, in which knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, computer lingkunganhingga have roles respectively. Civil engineering is developed in line with the level of human needs and movement, to be able to say this science can transform a forest into a big city.
The Branches of Civil Engineering
- Structural: The branch that studies the structural problems of the materials used for construction. A form of the building may be made from several choices of materials such as steel, concrete, wood, glass or other materials. Each of these materials has its own characteristics. Science field of study structural properties of the material which in turn can be selected which are suitable materials for the building type. In this field studied more in depth issues related to the structural design of buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels of the construction of the foundation until the building is ready for use.
- Geotechnical: branch that studies the structure and properties of a wide range of soil and rock in sustaining a building that will stand on it. Scope can be a field investigation is the investigation circumstances of an area of land, laboratory investigations and construction planning of soil and rock, such as: heap (embankment), excavation (excavation), soft ground tunnel (soft soil tunnel), the tunnel rock (rock / mountain tunnel), dam soil / rock (earth dam, rock fill dam), and others.
- Construction Management: Branch who studied the problem in construction projects related to the economy, job scheduling, return on capital, the cost of the project, all matters relating to law and licensing of building up the organization of work in the field so that the building is expected to be completed on time.
- Hydrology: The branch that studies the water, distribution, and control problems. This field includes, among others, the branch of hydrology (with respect to weather, rainfall, water level of a river, etc.), hydraulics (material properties of water, water pressure, water thrust force etc.) and waterworks such as ports, irrigation, reservoirs / dams (dam), the canal.
- Environmental Engineering: The branch that studies the issues and environmental issues. This field includes, among others, the provision of clean water infrastructure, sewage and waste management, river pollution, noise pollution and air until recovery techniques.
- Transportation: Branch learn about the transportation system in the planning and implementation. These include, among others, the construction field and pengaturanjalan highway, construction of airports, terminals, stations and management.
- Civil Engineering Informatics: The new branch that studies the application of computer for calculations / modeling a system in development or research project. This field includes, among others, exemplified in the form of modeling Building Structures (Structural of material or CAD), modeling the movement of ground water or waste, environmental modeling with GIS technology (Geographic information system).
Breadth is a branch of civil engineering makes it very versatile in the world of work. Profession obtained from an expert on this field include: designing / implementing development / maintenance of roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, traffic (land, sea, air), the network system of canals, drainage, irrigation, housing, building , minimization of earthquake losses, environmental protection, water supply, land survey, financial concept of the project, project management etc. All aspects of life tercangkup in charge of civil engineering.
Differences of architects, located at the position of civil engineering experts in a project. Architects contributed design, ideas, possible implementation of development on paper. The results of the draft subsequently submitted to the staff of experts in civil engineering for the construction work. This stage, civil engineering experts make improvements / suggestions from the implementation of planning, coordinating the project, observing the course of the project to fit the plan. In addition, civil engineering experts also build financial concepts and project management on matters that affect the running of the project.
The main lesson
- Engineering Mathematics (Calculus) / Matematika teknik (Kalkulus)
- Mechanics Engineering / Mekanika teknik
- Analysis of The Structure / Analisis struktur
- Construction Cteel / Konstruksi baja
- Construction of Concrete / Konstruksi beton
- Wood Construction / Konstruksi kayu
- Soil Mechanics / Mekanika tanah
- Foundations of Engineering / Teknik Pondasi
- Hydrology / Hidrologi
- Hydraulics / Hidrolika
- Waterworks / Bangunan air
- Construction Management / Manajemen konstruksi
- Dynamics of structures / Dinamika Struktur
- Earthquake Engineering / Teknik Gempa
- Measure Soil Science / Ilmu Ukur Tanah
- Structure of Civil Buildings \ Struktur bangunan sipil
- Highway Engineering \ Rekayasa Jalan Raya
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